Friday, November 12, 2010

Reflection #2

Historical Content:
- I have made improvements on researching the historical topics and time periods that we are studying. I am incorporating more informations from the periods and it has helped me understand better our discussions in class. (ex1, ex2)
- I still need to improve on reading material that is not on the internet. I have been reading A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court and I can see many correlations in that book to social issues we discuss in our class but I need to bring in more printed information.

Computing and Digital Culture:
- I understand all of the computing concepts that we have gone over. The only one that I did not fully understand was the difference between problems that are computable and those that are not but after Dr. Zappala's explanation in class I was able to grasp the concept much better.
- I am using lots of interesting digital tools that are helping me but I need to do a better job at reporting them. I have reported a few but not all of the ones that I am using. (ex) I have learned to use Google Reader, widgets on my blog, search engines other than Google, and various other ones.

Self Directed Learning:
- I think this is the area that I have improved the most on over the past months. I have really improved my reading and scanning skills so that I can process information faster. I also have made more effort to follow what other people are looking at online (mostly through Diigo) which has helped me find meaningful information faster without having to sift through a ton of material. I have found especially helpful Connexions and other similar education websites.
- I have also learned much more by asking people outside of class about the historical topics we cover. I am able to accomplish much of this through Facebook and email.