- Posts show an increased focus on historical content. Trending to more focus on historical content.
- Sometimes blogs only reflect historical readings that have been assigned. Might want to incorporate different sources and ideas.
- The post about the atomic age was really good about bringing in historical content from many different sources. I liked the list of movies.
- Reports well on new digital tools used.(example) Would be beneficial to incorporate some of those tools into the blog. Not possible to do with all of them but some could be.
- Great job connecting with people in the class. Most posts reflect a 'conversation' with other people in the class. Good job also with bringing in people outside of the class.(example)
Self-Directed Learning:
- Makes good connections with other material other than that covered in class. I like the post about LeBron James and how it was related to Adam Smith.
- I like how the thought process that lead up to many ideas is show. Shows the learning process.(example)
Random Stuffs:
- I like the digital tools are presented in the context that they were learned in. Gives good example of how the tools can be used and applied.
- Might consider switching up the post format more. Continuous paragraphs become monotonous.