Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Blog Post Nominations

Historical Content
[IMG_1361.JPG]   - Kristi does a great job of summing up some of the ideas about Modernism. Quick to the point and uses good examples and ties in different aspects of the period together.

Self Directed Learning
My Photo   - I really like this post from Kristen. I was unsure of what to categorize it under but I decided on self-directed learning because it shows how she learns something about interacting with people and then applies it to her research. She took advice from Jay about her interview questions and then incorporated it into her discussion with Norbu. Shows how she uses connection with others online to learn.

Digital Concepts
Jeffrey Whitlock - jeff_whitlock
   - Jeff shows a great understanding of digital culture in this post when he talks about the network effect. I also really like how he is able to show how digital culture affects his own personal life. The examples he uses from his own life make it easier for me to understand the concepts and see how they are applied.