This entire thing has really been building up in me for the last little while. I don't know if any of you have noticed but the animosity in politics seems to have grown to extreme amounts over the past little while. I don't think that the severity of comments has gotten much worse but the amount of arguing and fighting seems to have skyrocketed. There are always extremist out there and I think that they are necessary to bring in knew ideas and keep things going but I have always thought that politicians should be more moderate and take into account new ideas and work together to make decisions that will benefit the people. The problem is that it seems more and more common for people of one party to target members of another party. It is irrational.
I also realize that the system is messed up right now. We are fighting numerous dead end wars; we have a huge federal debt that is growing; the economy is in the tank and in general it is not the best time that the USA has ever seen. But so what? It happens and we work through it. Yelling at each other doesn't fix problems. It just makes people vindictive. And what happens when people are not mature enough to settle differences like grown-ups? People die.
I am sure you all noticed the tragic shooting in Tucson. I am not going to point fingers and say who is to blame for that because it would be impossible to define all of the factors that led up to that event but I will say that we should not have to turn on the tv and watch that kind of news.